Zen ―禅―

Myōshin-ji’s Public Zazenkai


Please see the Japanese site for the schedule. Admission 2,000 yen Capacity 20. *Advance reservation required *Reservation will be closed when it reaches capacity.

Time: Held Saturday 4:00 PM to 8:30 PM. (It close in January, March, August, September and December.Please check with us in advance.)

Myōshinji-ha Kenshū Center (located next to the Hanazono Zenjuku, behind the Hanazono Kaikan.

Property: Clothes suitable for zazen (loose clothing or training wear that does not bind the legs or other parts of the body and is subdued in color; a dressing room is available for women).
Fee: First time: 2,000 yen; second time and after: 1,000 yen. (Please bring the exact amount for the fee, so that no change is necessary.)
Inquiries: Please contact the Myōshin-ji Shūmu Honjō Kyōka Center: Tel. 8175-463-3121
Reservations are needed.
AM9:00~PM5:00 Weekday

■Notes:Dinner is not included. There is no shower room. Japanese instruction Only. Come together with Japanese interpreter, if you need.

Myōshin-ji Zendō-kai

Every month Myōshin-ji holds early morning Zen gatherings open to the public.

Time: The 7th, 8th days of every month, 6:00–7:30 AM (90 minutes)
Place: Myōshin-ji Ōhōjō
Fee: 500 yen (covers all 2 days)
Schedule: 6:00–6:30 AM Zazen
6:30-7:30 Teishō (lecture delivered by Zen master Noritake Shūnan)
Inquiries: Please contact the Myōshin-ji Temple Office: Tel. 8175-461-5226